Gemstones are portable generators.
A precious stone is a
portable generator.
The term "precious gem" is an arbitrary designation based on subjective characteristics such as rarity, transparency, clarity, longevity, and desirability. Since all of these characteristics are fluid and subject to change, stones that qualify as precious gems have shifted and changed over time and vary depending on culture and location. Jade of a certain color and translucency, considered to be one of the most precious and desirable gems in Asia, would not always qualify as such in Europe. Likewise, high quality turquoise and lapis lazuli, highly treasured in many ancient cultures, are not as highly prized or valuable in the commercial market today. For all practical purposes, even the most expensive gems are simply natural stones that have been refined to a certain level of "beauty" and radiance, thus making them more "precious" and desirable.
If the purpose of evaluating gemstones is purely for their material characteristics and monetary value, then a standard set of rules might apply. But for those whose interest is in the more subtle, "energetic" qualities of gemstones, a stone with lesser monetary value, or even less aesthetic appeal, can be very desirable. "Beauty," after all, is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is spiritual as well as physical. From that perspective, every stone is, on some level, precious and of value to someone.
Most of the jewelry made for commercial purposes today is made to appeal to a particular aesthetic and/or financial standard. In that regard, most jewelry is purely ornamental, desired for its material characteristics. There is, however, still a thriving and growing jewelry industry inspired by ancient knowledge and recent scientific understanding of the magnetic and energetic power generated by gemstones. Ancient ancestors long ago sought to harness this energy by creating stone talismans worn against the bare skin. A talisman, unlike a mere ornament, was a magical object designed to facilitate an exchange of energies between the object and the wearer. Only now are our scientists beginning to document the reality that every living being and object in the universe is in fact energy that interacts on different vibratory levels. They now tell us that "crystals have consciousness." Who knew? A lot of very ancient people knew.
So, maybe our ancient ancestors were not as ignorant and superstitious as we thought. Maybe they somehow understood some things about their natural and spiritual environment that we are just now beginning to discover. Maybe we, like them, can learn to look at the things with which we adorn ourselves as both material and spiritual in nature. Maybe then we can once again see that every stone, like every other gift from nature, is precious.